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Chemistry 484: Topics in Chemistry: Articles

Science Databases

Science Article Databases

American Chemical Society Journals   
Full text and images of the 35 journals published by the American Chemical Society.

EBSCO Science and Environmental Databases (EBSCOhost)   
This link will allow you to search EBSCO's Environment Complete, GreenFILE, and Applied Science & Technology Source databases.

EBSCO Medical Databases (EBSCOhost)   
This link will allow you to search EBSCO's medical databases including MEDLINE and CINAHL.

Institute of Physics Electronic Journals  
Full text of all 33 of the Institute of Physics journals. Off campus users can use the site but do not have access to the full text of articles. Searching across the contents of the journals is possible. References with each article include links to available IOP articles as well as to INSPEC abstracts.

MSDS and Other Chemical Safety Resources (UW Madison)
Access to MSDS, Chemical Substance Fact Sheets, IPCS INTOX, NAOSH Week and CIS Center Network.

This site is a gateway to all Nature-titled journals and sites for all levels of visitors. It provides full text services to the weekly printed edition of Nature, and an extensive range of content and other services are available.

PsycInfo (EBSCO)   
Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, and books in psychology and related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, and social work..

Sage Premier Journals Online  
SAGE Premier provides electronic access to 408 peer-reviewed, full-text journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine. (94,000+ articles).

Science Online  
Access to the full text of Science from 1997 to present.

Science Citation Index (Web of Science: 1987 - )  
Multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. The information stored about each article includes the article's cited reference list (bibliography), you can also search the databases for articles that cite a known author or work.

Extensive Full Text access to the Elsevier journal collections: Health Sciences (600 peer reviewed journals), Life Sciences (530 peer reviewed journals) and Physical Sciences & Engineering (600 peer reviewed journals).

Find the Full Text From a Database

journal articlesMost databases have some full text articles and/or chapters in addition to citations. To access the full text there will be a button or text to click on that says something like: PDF, HTML, or Full Text.

When an article is not available in that database, use Find It button button/link to determine whether and where the UWW libraries have it. One of several things will happen when you click on it.

If you have a citation for something UWW does not have access to AND are not in a database or Research@UWW, use the Journals Search (also on the libraries' homepage) to determine whether and where the Library has a particular periodical (journal, magazine, newspaper, etc.). If:

UW-Whitewater has it, click on the link provided to the periodical and then search the periodical for the article title. UW-Whitewater does NOT have it, go to the library homepage, select My Account, and log in.

In the Get It section you will see other ways to access the full text of the article. Either:

UW-Whitewater has the item physically in one of the UWW libraries. If at your campus, you will go to the listed collection to get it. If at the other campus, use the "Request" option to have it sent to your campus. Some people who fit this set of criteria can use ILL to have articles or book chapters scanned as a PDFs for you to access online. UW-Whitewater does NOT have the needed item in one of the UWW libraries. Select Please sign in for more request options --> Sign in. Select UW-W Students / Staff Login >, and then Log in. Complete the multifactor authentication through Duo. Click on the We Can Get it for You (Document Delivery) for articles and chapters or UW-Request for books, media, government and other items.

How? Check out the How to Use Find It and the Journals Search guide or watch this How to Use Find It video

  1. You will be taken to a "LibKey" screen with one or more Full Text Format Options on the right side. Select Article Link to go to a database that does have the full text.
  2. You will be taken to Research@UWW. To see whether an article, chapter, book, video, etc. is available look in the:
    1. View Online section to see if there is a link to the item in one of the libraries' subscription databases.
    2. Get It section to see if there are other ways to access the full text of the article.

Andersen Library Journal Search

Search for journals, magazines and newspapers at Andersen Library.


Search for Articles @ UWW


Use this box to quickly search Research@UWW for articles at UW-Whitewater.

Find a Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper

Research@UWW Journal Search button

Have you found the citation for an article you want in another article's bibliography or on Google Scholar? You can use the libraries' Journals Search to see whether and where the Whitewater libraries has the periodical (journal, magazine, or newspaper) that the article came from. Start by typing the periodical title (not the article title) in the box below. This is also available from the libraries' homepage.

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