
Showing 6 of 6 Results

profile-icon Diana Shull

A patron from Fairhaven visited yesterday and might come back to check out Caddyshack. The DVD is in the case and the case is on top of the DVD cabinet. If they don't come by this afternoon, we'll return everything to the normal place.

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Patricia Fragola

Just a reminder....

When checking out laptops remember to verify that both the charger and laptop have been placed on the patron's account.  This morning I encountered a laptop (checked out by a staff member) that was not actually  checked out to the patron.  The power cord was but not the laptop.




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Patricia Fragola

When/if a laptop is returned and there is no room in the appropriate cabinet, please place the unit on top of the left most cabinet near the "Extra Laptops".  This will alert Systems staff to take it downstairs.



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profile-icon Diana Shull

Mondays - Thursdays 9am-3pm

We will not be on call on Wednesday, 15 May. We will be at the Celebrating Teaching & Learning Conference in the UC.

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profile-icon Diana Shull

CSD has the following rooms reserved this week:

L1122 8-5pm each day (only 1 group study room needed this semester)

L1105, Tuesday, 7 May: 11-2pm

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profile-icon Diana Shull

A former student might come by with a laptop that is currently in lost status and try to check out a new laptop--Please contact Paul to talk to the person. The person is no longer a student here. 


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