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Sociology 476: Methods of Social Research: Peer-reviewed Journals

An online course guide for finding library resources for use with Sociology 476

Finding Peer-reviewed Journals

How do I know if a journal is peer-reviewed?

Some of the Library's article databases, such as SocINDEX with Full Text, allow you to limit to peer-reviewed journals when searching. If you cannot limit to peer-reviewed journals, use the Ulrichsweb database to look up the title of the journal. Ulrichsweb will show whether a journal is "refereed," which is another word for peer-reviewed.

If your article is in a print journal, information on the journal's use of "peer review" is often found in the beginning pages of the journal, or in the back pages. Sometimes it may be referred to as a "blind review" or an "anonymous review" process.

Remember, not all articles in peer-reviewed journals go through the peer-review process. Once you find an article in a peer-reviewed journal, you must then determine if the article is scholarly. If the article is scholarly, and it is in a peer-reviewed journal, then that article was peer-reviewed.

Need help deciding if an article is scholarly? See the Scholarly v. Popular tab in this guide.

Scholarly, Trade, & Popular Articles

Identifying scholarly articles involves analysis of the article's content. The chart below is meant to help you in this process; however, any one criteria by itself may not indicate that an article is scholarly. For example, a 30 page photo spread in People about stars at the Academy Awards is not scholarly, even though it is long.


Journal Cover  Image result for scholarly journal cover  

Scholarly Journals

Image result for trade magazine cover    

Trade or Professional Magazines

Magazine Cover     national geographic cover      Popular Magazines

Length Longer articles (often 10+ pages), providing in-depth analysis  Mid-length articles (often 2-8 pages), providing practical guidance Shorter articles (often <1-5 pages), providing broader overviews
Author An expert or specialist in the field (often a professor), name and credentials always provided Usually someone working in the field, with hands-on experience; some staff writers Usually a staff writer or a journalist, name and credentials often not provided
Language Professional language, jargon, theoretical terms Some jargon and technical terms Non-technical language 
Likely Audience  Scholarly readers (professors, researchers or students) Other people working in the industry  Anyone
Advertisements Few or none Some -- products to sell to practitioners in that industry Many -- products for the general public
Format/Structure Usually structured, with likely sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography Sometimes has sub-sections for organization No specific format or structure
Special Features Illustrations that support the text, such as tables of statistics, graphs, maps, or photographs Some illustrations; practical guidelines, best practices, lesson plans, how-to, or other hands-on direction Glossy/color illustrations or graphics, usually for advertising purposes
Editors Reviewed and critically evaluated by several editors. Often refereed or peer-reviewed by experts in the field. Editorial board of other practitioners or professionals in the field, but no external peer review Not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors or other journalists on staff
Credits Bibliography (works cited) and/or footnotes are always present to document research Usually no formal bibliography, although references to other research are often mentioned in-text No bibliography, although references to other research are sometimes mentioned in-text