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EndNote Basic

Importing from JSTOR

Depending on your internet browser, importing from databases may vary slightly. These examples show the steps to take if you are using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. (So far, Google Chrome offers the most seamless exporting.)

1. Click on the Cite this item button

JSTOR Cite this item button

2. Select RIS file format. This is a common citation file format that you will find available in many databases and journals that offer export options. Download or save the file according to your browser's directions. 

JSTOR's Export a RIS file link

3. Double-click on or open the RIS file (arrow). You may see an option (circled) to choose either Endnote (the downloaded/desktop version) or Endnote Online

screenshot showing the downloaded file and then choosing between Endnote and Endnote Online

6. If you choose Online, you will be asked for your Endnote username (email) and password. Log in, and verify that the citations imported correctly. 

Endnote Web Login screen



If the above doesn't work:

5. Go into Endnote Web. Under Collect, click on Import References.

Endnote's Import References page

6. Browse to the RIS file you saved in step 2. Be sure to select RefMan (RIS) as your Import Option, and select a group where you would like your reference saved.

If successful, you should then see: 

Endnote's message: 1 references were imported into (Unfiled) Be sure to verify that the citations imported correctly.