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Theatre 110: Introduction to Theatre: Cite It Right

An online course guide for finding library resources for use with Theatre 110

MLA Style

Whether you choose to quote, summarize, or paraphrase sources you use in your research paper, you must cite each one. For rules and examples in MLA 8th ed. style, look here:

Sometimes students will use online citation formatters provided free on the Web or within a library database. If you use one of these online formatters, remember that they are not foolproof. You will need to review your citations to make sure they are correct. This Citation Helper Tools guide may have some tools you can use. The library supports both Zotero and EndNote, which are very useful when using many sources.

Web Sites

It is important to do some critical evaluation to decide whether the sources you find, particularly online sources of information, are appropriate and usable for your University research assignment. When you are evaluating a website, the methods linked from Evaluating Internet Resources provide useful guidance in determining the source, scope, currency, accuracy and bias of a site.

Remember that you must properly credit information taken from the Web when used for research purposes, even if the material is considered to be in the public domain.

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